What is a corporate fixed deposit?

What is a corporate fixed deposit?

Corporate Fixed Deposits are fixed deposits offered by corporate companies. Corporate Companies accept fixed deposit like banks for fixed interest for a fixed period .

How is corporate Fixed Deposits Different from Bank Fixed Deposits?

Corporate Fixed Deposits are considered slightly risky than bank because they have a slight default risk .

Are these company Fixed Deposits Insured ?

These company Fixed Deposits are not Insured. Whereas your Bank Fixed Deposits have been Insured For a Maximum Sum of  1 lakh Rupees.

How to chose which company to Invest?

  1. Avoid Investing in Companies offering more than 12.00% Interest.
  2. Avoid Companies reporting Losses for the 3years.
  3. Avoid companies with a rating less than AA+
  4. Avoid companies which is defaulting in Interest Payment.

Who can Invest in a company Fixed Deposit ?

Individuals, Partnership Firms, HUF,  Pvt Ltd Companies, Trusts

To Invest  in Fixed Deposits

Contact us @ 9739030606

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Debt Funds v/s Fixed Deposits. Which is Better? A traditional and popular investment option for Indian households is a fixed deposit in a bank. Most investors use bank fixed deposits for regular income and for achieving their financial goals. However, the interest rates on the deposits are falling and investors are looking for alternate options like debt funds. Here is…Read More

2nd June 2013
Fixed Deposits

Fixed Deposits are deposits that are offered by the banks and corporate companies. As the name suggests the term (tenure Or Duration) And the Interest rate of the fixed deposits are fixed. The Fixed Deposits offered by the banks have a return slightly higher than the Inflation Rate. The Fixed Deposits offered by corporate companies offer a higher interest rate…Read More